First comes snow, then comes rain, and with each season comes a new checklist.

After the winters that Niagara endures, we are always thrilled to welcome any sign of spring. And this year will be no exception!  While we wait for the grass to turn green and the flowers to bloom, we begin to enjoy the warmer weather and that beautiful sunshine that we have desperately missed.  But with every changing season there is also a new maintenance regiment that we must begin. 

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The Trends of 2017 - What will they bring?

Wow, it’s so hard to believe but it is already a new year.  As with the coming of every new year, some people will be excited while others will be cautiously watching for what the year may bring.  The one thing we can look forward to in 2017 is it’s design trends.  So, what design trends are you likely to see--Well here is a brief outline of how the year is starting out: 

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Sunny days and hot temperatures mean Summer is here!

We are all very fortunate to live in the Niagara Region. What a wonderful place to spend your summer. People have come from all around the world to see the wonder of Niagara Falls, and the history of Niagara on the Lake. In one region, we have roadside fresh fruit and veggie stands, fantastic wineries, breweries and restaurants, festivals, beaches, a zoo, picnicking in the parks and so much more.  There is truly so much to appreciate in the Niagara Region and summer brings a variety of activities our way – something for almost everyone.

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It's Here!

Well it is finally here…the season we most look forward to…Summer. 

While we look forward to the activities that go with it like swimming, hiking, wine tours, camping, sun bathing, and biking, to name a few, like all the other seasons homeowners also have to make time for maintenance chores too. 

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Fall Home Maintenance - maybe not as dreaded this year

The leaves are turning colours and falling from the trees, so we know that beyond a shadow of a doubt, Fall is here and that means new chores are starting.  But since COVID-19 started earlier this year, many people have likely been keeping up with the regular maintenance needed around the house – after all, with so much time on our hands, what else did most of us have to do! So, it is possible that your maintenance list might be quite small this year.

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Working in the Trades

Each and every year high school students approaching grade 12 are pondering that same question…what will I do with the rest of my life?  For some, the answer will take them on a journey through post-secondary education at a college or university to the many occupations that require additional education.   Others however will struggle to determine exactly what they want to do…often because they didn’t have exposure to classes in the many skilled trades.

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Finally, summer is here...and so are the chores!

Whether you love to visit the many road side fruit and vegetable stands we have in the Niagara Region or you enjoy the wine tours, site seeing, picnicking or seeing the Falls, there is so much to do during the summer throughout the Niagara Region. The Niagara Region is truly a wonderful spot to spend your summer. People have come from all around the world to see Niagara Falls, and all of the things that make the Niagara Region unique--we would encourage everyone to take a new look at the region you live in. There are so many great things to appreciate around you and perhaps now with Covid restrictions lifted, it may be the time for all of us to take a renewed interest in the spectacular places we have in the Niagara area and support local community businesses.  

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Christmas Wishes

For so many the past two years have been challenging ones filled with significant changes and so many mixed emotions.  

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