When the leaves are falling…it’s time for chores.

For many of us, fall is simply the season that prepares us for winter. The temperatures drop and leaves turn colours making it a magnificent scene in the Niagara Region. But shortly after these scenic views are taken in, the leaves fall to the ground…and the true sign that fall is really upon us, and winter is coming becomes a reality.

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Sunny days and hot temperatures mean Summer is here!

We are all very fortunate to live in the Niagara Region. What a wonderful place to spend your summer. People have come from all around the world to see the wonder of Niagara Falls, and the history of Niagara on the Lake. In one region, we have roadside fresh fruit and veggie stands, fantastic wineries, breweries and restaurants, festivals, beaches, a zoo, picnicking in the parks and so much more.  There is truly so much to appreciate in the Niagara Region and summer brings a variety of activities our way – something for almost everyone.  

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Kitchens - So Many Choices and Decisions!

Renovating the kitchen is probably one of the most effective ways to not only improve your home’s overall efficiency but to increase its value. Since the kitchen is the heart of the home, it’s necessary to consider a multitude of factors when in the design process.

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SPRING...It's here...although it may not look like it!

Well, it seems that we had the darkest winter in a very long time, but the good news is the sun seems to be peaking out more often now and hopefully we will start to see the end of winter. But if winter is ending, then the chores of spring must begin.

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Part 2 - Expressing Your Uniqueness with Home Design and Building Trends

2023 has brought its own global and home-based challenges, post Covid.  We are all well aware of inflation, interest rate hikes, shortages, and delays of supplies in most industries. If you are looking to make changes to your existing home or build a new home, you are probably already aware of the trend changes too. Just keep in mind that the dominating influence for your home’s aesthetic should be you…not the current trend.

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Part 1 - Home Design Trends in Canada 2023

Well, 2023 is another new year but we are still marking it by the pandemic and the many crises that are currently happening in our world. While we find ourselves looking forward to a time when we can say that it is all behind us, we have to acknowledge that we have changed much of our lives because of it, and so trends are reflecting those changes.  

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Save Time and Money with Winter Maintenance!

Winter is a great time to reconnect with family and friends, enjoy holiday activities and eat lots of delicious food. But it can also be a dangerous season for your home if you don’t know how to prepare.  

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We wish you a very Merry Christmas…it is a simple phrase that means so very much.  We truly hope that all of you have the opportunity to celebrate this wonderful time of year with the people that you hold dear.  We hope that during this holiday season you will create amazing memories filled with happiness and love.  

For so many the past several years have been challenging ones filled with significant changes and so many mixed emotions.   So, it is difficult to send our Christmas wishes filled with joy without acknowledging that for many, Christmas may be another challenge.  So, for all that have experienced difficulties, challenges, or loss this year, we wish for you a time of healing, peace, hope, and if possible, the warmth of past memories and moments of laughter to lighten your hearts.   

For us, we have a re-affirmed appreciation of the time we get to spend with family and friends.  Despite the challenges we have all faced, this year was once again filled with exciting projects and an ever-growing client family. It has been a pleasure to get to know our clients so well and therefore, it seems only natural to extend our very best wishes to all.  After all, we don’t just build houses, we build relationships and custom homes… your home!   

We sincerely thank you, our clients, for your understanding, your cooperation, your patience and your friendship. 


From Our Family to Yours… 

We wish you a very Merry Christmas in your new or newly renovated home.  Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to be a part of your project. 

We Wish You the Very Best of Health & Happiness! 

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Chores, Chores and More Chores, and some of them fall from the sky

Or at least they fall from the trees!  The temperatures have dropped, and the leaves are turning colours and falling to the ground…this is the true sign that fall is really upon us.  Here in the Niagara Region the sight is stunning, the pictures are breathtaking, and the maintenance is real!  With the everlasting Covid Pandemic, it is likely that you have already begun your regular maintenance for fall, or you have been keeping up with it throughout the year as a means of staying occupied.  If so…that is fantastic!  If not, well it is now time to get started. 

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