Hidden Rooms … Don’t you love when Hollywood brings you a great idea?

If you have ever watched the original Scooby-Doo cartoons, you know that with most mysteries there was a hidden room or passageway to be discovered. The doors either swung open, revolved or slid to the side. Some were even on the floor and led down a staircase to an unexpected basement or tunnel. They were awesome! In real life, documentaries on old castles and monuments often show secret passages and rooms hidden by disguised doors. Maybe you haven’t watched any of those shows, but imagine a hidden room in your own home – one that only you know how to enter. Do we have your attention? The hidden room is not just a thing of the past; it seems to be making a comeback. New versions of these hidden rooms in modern-day houses have been designed to include panic/safe rooms, wine cellars, bedrooms, man caves, powder rooms, storage and even the pantry. Using a disguised door is just an intriguing way of guaranteeing some much-desired seclusion/privacy, strategic utilization of a doorway, and/or well-needed security. While there are certainly function-based reasons to disguise a door, it’s hard to overlook the obvious draw – it’s an awesome childhood fantasy come true. Out of necessity, it’s become a decorative trick to create symmetry and maximize wall storage space in one room, while still allowing access to another. Offices, powder rooms, libraries, kitchens, and family rooms are great places to take advantage of this structural element. Many houses have existing doors in the least ideal locations and a stylish concealed door can provide an answer to many decorating challenges for both sides.

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From Country Charm to Upscale Elegance: Every Kitchen Shares This Common Trait!

We’ve all heard the saying that the kitchen is the heart of the home, and for most of us, it’s probably true. If you love to cook and your family or guests love to eat…the kitchen is where you are most likely to congregate. So, designing a kitchen that works for you involves considering a multitude of factors. A kitchen is one of the more expensive rooms to renovate and it’s no secret as to why. There are many construction trades whose expertise is needed to create your ideal kitchen (e.g., plumbers, electricians, tile setters, drywallers, trimmers, cabinet makers and countertop installers, etc.). In addition, several elements/items go into a kitchen space—flooring/tile, cabinetry, appliances, countertops, backsplashes, a variety of lighting, tables and chairs or island/peninsula stools, etc. Being honest about what you need in your kitchen versus what you want, is the first step in designing your unique space. Regardless of the style of your kitchen, the same fundamental elements are incorporated into the design. And…depending on how much space you have you will likely consider some of the following:

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We can’t wait for Summer…but we would like to wait to do the chores!

The Niagara Region is a wonderful place to live, especially in the summer. It’s no wonder the Region sees so many visitors from around the world eager to experience the extraordinary wonder of the Falls, the history of Niagara-on-the-Lake, our gardens, beaches, water parks, sports, wineries, breweries, and spectacular restaurants. And of course, the Region wouldn’t be the same without its fresh fruit, vegetable and bakery stands along the way. There really is something for everyone if you’re looking for a staycation or vacation. But before you get to all that fun stuff, you’ll need to complete those summer chores, something not many of us look forward to doing.

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Part 2 – What trends are we seeing?

While we may have hopes of seeing changes and better stability in 2024, we are still experiencing global and home-based challenges with inflation, high interest rates, delays and shortages of supplies in many industries.

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Part 1 – What trends are we seeing?

2024 has arrived, bringing along new trends and the continuation of old ones. With rising prices, increased inflation rates and interest rate hikes, it seems the biggest trend for this year could be that people may once again be focused on staying home more.

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To Stay Or To Go!

With rising home prices, a shortage of homes for the growing population, and rising interest rates navigating the real estate market can be challenging.  But with life having a series of phases some home owners are having to make very difficult decisions to accommodate the changing needs in their life.  Perhaps they are dealing with a growing or shrinking family dynamic, a change in lifestyle, or even just a preference for an updated home…whatever the reason, their house may have stopped feeling like a home!   

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Happy New Year to All!

We really can’t believe that we are already celebrating a new year. It seems like just yesterday that it was the beginning of 2023…but here we are in 2024!

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Well, another year is almost over but the holidays are just beginning -- It’s something that we look forward to all year.   

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Each Niagara winter, a little snow must fly

Love it or hate it, winter has arrived in Niagara. That means snow and ice to go along with the sometimes frigid temperatures. Since your home is likely one of your biggest investments, it stands to reason protecting it will be one of your highest priorities. With that in mind, winter’s arrival brings maintenance chores that can protect your home and family.

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